Cobalt strike is a powerful red team tool that is used by pen testers and red teamers to replicate the tactics and techniques of long-term embedded attackers. This 5-minute video will give you a high-level overview of Cobalt Strike’s functionality, including its signature payload, Beacon, and its flexible C2 framework.
Core Impact empowers organizations to proactively minimize risk and protect critical assets by using the same techniques as today’s threat actors to assess their infrastructure’s
Fortra’s Advanced Red Team Bundle is comprised of three distinct enterprise-grade tools: Core Impact tests exploitation paths and lateral movement, Cobalt Strike enables advanced adversary tactics
Cobalt Strike and Outflank Security Tooling (OST) are two red teaming solutions that enable operators to execute the diverse and varied tasks that each engagement
Cobalt Strike helps organizations conduct advanced adversary simulations and Red Team engagements with ease, allowing your organization to effectively measure your security operations program and
Engineered by expert red teamers, Outflank Security Tooling (OST) delivers a curated suite of offensive capabilities capable of challenging even the most hardened enterprise environments.
A decade after its debut by founder Raphael Mudge, Cobalt Strike has become a favorite tool of cybersecurity experts in every industry for adversary simulation and Red
Fortra’s Elite Offensive Security Bundle is comprised of three distinct enterprise-grade tools: Fortra VM scans networks for vulnerabilities, Core Impact pen tests exploitation paths and
At Cobalt Strike, we’re often asked, “what is adversary simulation?” This three minute video reveals what adversary simulations are, why they’re important, and how they’re