You can now update Mimikatz between Cobalt Strike releases. Updates will periodically be made available to licensed users via the Arsenal as the Mimikatz Kit.
The Cobalt Strike references (malleable c2 profiles, scripts, Elevate Kit, etc.) have been consolidated under a new GitHub account. We understand that many blog
This post, from Ernesto Alvarez Capandeguy of Core Security’s CoreLabs Research Team, describes techniques used for creating UDP redirectors for protecting Cobalt Strike team servers.
Cobalt Strike 4.2 is now available. This release overhauls our user exploitation features, adds more memory flexibility options to Beacon, adds more behavior flexibility to
Cobalt Strike can use PowerShell, .NET, and Reflective DLLs for its post-exploitation features. This is the weaponization problem set. How to take things, developed outside