That time a printer tried to get Cobalt Strike

I’m sometimes asked: “Raphael, what does Strategic Cyber LLC do to control Cobalt Strike?” That’s the subject of this blog post. What is Cobalt Strike? The textbook answer is that Cobalt Strike is a platform for red team operations and adversary simulations. In the right hands, Cobalt Strike empowers security professionals and enables better security […]

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Cobalt Strike 3.14 – Post-Ex Omakase Shimasu

Cobalt Strike 3.14 is now available. This release benefits the OPSEC of Beacon’s post-exploitation jobs. To take a screenshot, log keystrokes, dump credentials, or scan for targets: Beacon often spawns a temporary process, injects the capability into it, and receives results over a pipe. While Cobalt Strike has a lot of flexibility around launching temporary […]

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Cobalt Strike Team Server Population Study

From February 4, 2019 to February 15, 2019 Strategic Cyber LLC connected to several live Cobalt Strike team servers to download Beacon payloads, analyze them, and study the information within these payloads. We conducted the survey from a system that exists separate of this company’s logs and records. The survey results were available on the […]

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Cobalt Strike 3.12 – Blink and you’ll miss it

Cobalt Strike 3.12 is now available. This release adds an “obfuscate and sleep” in-memory evasion feature, gives operators [some] control over process injection, and introduces hooks to shape how Beacon launches PowerShell. Obfuscate and Sleep One method to find adversary presence in an environment is to sweep all running processes for common strings that indicate […]

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Broken Promises and Malleable C2 Profiles

Red Team infrastructure is a detail-heavy subject. Take the case of domain fronting through a CDN like CloudFront. You have to setup the CloudFront distribution, have a valid SSL configuration, and configure your profile properly. If any of these items is wrong, your C2 will not work. Many folks take “configure your profile properly” for granted. A profile that passes […]

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PowerShell Shellcode Injection on Win 10 (v1803)

Cobalt Strike’s process to inject shellcode, via PowerShell, does not work with the latest Windows 10 update (v1803). While it’s possible to work without this capability, a lot of CS automation uses PowerShell. I’ve pushed an out-of-band update to Cobalt Strike 3.11 with a fix for this issue. What happened? The PowerShell shellcode injection scripts […]

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Fighting the Toolset

What happens when your advantages become a disadvantage? That’s the theme of Fighting the Toolset. This lecture discusses Offensive PowerShell, staging, memory-injected DLLs, and remote process injection as technologies that deliver(ed) a universal advantage to attackers.  Today, that’s not always the case. In some contexts, these technologies are the tell that gives you away. In […]

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Cobalt Strike 3.11 – The snake that eats its tail

Cobalt Strike 3.11 is now available. This release adds to Cobalt Strike’s in-memory threat emulation and evasion capabilities, adds a means to run .NET executable assemblies without touching disk, and implements the Token Duplication UAC bypass attack. In-Memory Threat Emulation One of the things that makes Cobalt Strike different is its ability to emulate multiple […]

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