Cobalt Strike 4.2 – Everything but the kitchen sink

Cobalt Strike 4.2 is now available. This release overhauls our user exploitation features, adds more memory flexibility options to Beacon, adds more behavior flexibility to our post-exploitation features, and makes some nice changes to Malleable C2 too. User Exploitation Redux Cobalt Strike’s screenshot tool and keystroke logger are examples of user exploitation tools. These capabilities are […]

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Beacon Object File ADVENTURES: Some Zerologon, SMBGhost, and Situational Awareness

Cobalt Strike can use PowerShell, .NET, and Reflective DLLs for its post-exploitation features. This is the weaponization problem set. How to take things, developed outside the tool, and create a path to use them in the tool. One of the newest weaponization options in Cobalt Strike are Beacon Object Files. A Beacon Object File is […]

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Cobalt Strike 4.1 – The Mark of Injection

Cobalt Strike 4.1 is now available. This release introduces a new way to build post-ex tools that work with Beacon, pushes back on a generic shellcode detection strategy, and grants added protocol flexibility to the TCP and named pipe Beacons. Beacon Object Files Cobalt Strike has weaponization options for PowerShell, .NET, and Reflective DLLs. These […]

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SSL certificate verification for failed

TL;DR a certificate for part of the Cobalt Strike update infrastructure changed. Download the 20200511 distribution package to avoid certificate verification errors. If you recently ran the Cobalt Strike update program (version 20191204); you may see a nice message about the failed SSL certificate verification for hosts a text file with SHA256 hashes […]

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Cobalt Strike joins Core Impact at HelpSystems, LLC (now Fortra)

I founded Strategic Cyber LLC in 2012 to advocate a vision of threat-representative security testing. Over time, Cobalt Strike became the de facto commercial standard for red team operations and adversary simulations. I’ve long asked myself, how do I stay a good partner to my customers as their numbers grow and this field evolves? Today is a […]

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Cobalt Strike 4.0 – Bring Your Own Weaponization

Cobalt Strike 4.0 is now available. This release improves Cobalt Strike’s distributed operations model, revises post-exploitation workflows to drop some historical baggage, and adds “Bring Your Own Weaponization” workflows for privilege escalation and lateral movement. A Vision for Red Team Server Consolidation Cobalt Strike’s model for distributed operations (2013!) is to stand up a new server for […]

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That time a printer tried to get Cobalt Strike

I’m sometimes asked: “Raphael, what does Strategic Cyber LLC do to control Cobalt Strike?” That’s the subject of this blog post. What is Cobalt Strike? The textbook answer is that Cobalt Strike is a platform for red team operations and adversary simulations. In the right hands, Cobalt Strike empowers security professionals and enables better security […]

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Cobalt Strike 3.14 – Post-Ex Omakase Shimasu

Cobalt Strike 3.14 is now available. This release benefits the OPSEC of Beacon’s post-exploitation jobs. To take a screenshot, log keystrokes, dump credentials, or scan for targets: Beacon often spawns a temporary process, injects the capability into it, and receives results over a pipe. While Cobalt Strike has a lot of flexibility around launching temporary […]

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Cobalt Strike Team Server Population Study

From February 4, 2019 to February 15, 2019 Strategic Cyber LLC connected to several live Cobalt Strike team servers to download Beacon payloads, analyze them, and study the information within these payloads. We conducted the survey from a system that exists separate of this company’s logs and records. The survey results were available on the […]

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