Delivering custom payloads with Metasploit using DLL injection

I’m very interested in supporting alternative remote administration tools in Cobalt Strike. Meterpreter is awesome as an active RAT, but I need something less chatty to hold my accesses when I’m not using them. I plan to talk about about this in my upcoming Dirty Red Team Tricks II talk. In this post, I’d like […]

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A loader for Metasploit’s Meterpreter

Recently, there was an interesting discussion on the metasploit-framework mailing list about the staging protocol for Meterpreter. egypt let loose with some wisdom about what it would take to write a client to download and execute a payload from a Metasploit Framework multi/handler. mihi completed the discussion by advising where to place the socket value, […]

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Covert VPN – Layer 2 Pivoting for Cobalt Strike

Currently, I’m debating a class of social engineering “packages” to force SMB requests against an attacker controlled system. Ideas include packages to generate LNK files, host a WPAD server, etc. This created a bit of an identity crisis though. I see Cobalt Strike as a tool for a penetration tester to emulate the capabilities of a motivated […]

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Cortana: real-time collaborative hacking… with bots

At BSides Las Vegas, I talked about Force Multipliers for Red Team Operations. In this talk, I shared several stories about how my evil bots stole passwords, instantly installed back doors, and generally wreaked havoc on college students defending (sometimes) unpatched systems. Today, I’d like to introduce you to the technology behind this havoc: Cortana. You may know Armitage: a […]

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