Cloud-based Redirectors for Distributed Hacking

A common trait among persistent attackers is their distributed infrastructure. A serious attacker doesn’t use one system to launch attacks and catch shells from. Rather, they register many domains and setup several systems to act as redirectors (pivot points) back to their command and control server. As of last week, Cobalt Strike now has full […]

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Cobalt Strike 01.08.14 – EXE Artifacts: A New Hope

Cobalt Strike has always exposed the Metasploit Framework’s tool to generate executables. Unfortunately, these executables are caught by anti-virus products. I’ve had a lot of feedback about this and I know it’s annoying. The latest release of Cobalt Strike now generates artifacts from its own Artifact Kit. The Artifact Kit is a proprietary source code […]

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Man-in-the-Browser Session Hijacking

Malware like Zeus and its variants inject themselves into a user’s browser to steal banking information. This is a man-in-the-browser attack. So-called, because the attacker is injecting malware into the target’s browser. Man-in-the-browser malware uses two approaches to steal banking information. They either capture form data as it’s sent to a server. For example, malware […]

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Reverse Meterpreter Connect-backs through a Compromised Host

<update 03:30pm> I’ve had some feedback that this post describes a concept that is too basic to put into blog form. I can see where this confusion may occur. Most literature that describes pivoting through Meterpreter, shows how to setup a payload connection that goes through Meterpreter (e.g., a bind payload). What isn’t well known or documented, […]

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Cobalt Strike 1.48 – Peer-to-peer C&C

I’m pleased to announce Cobalt Strike 1.48. This release introduces a peer-to-peer data channel for Beacon, improves browser pivoting, and updates the signed applet attack with options the latest Java 1.7 updates require. Peer-to-Peer Beacon It’s hard to stay hidden when many compromised systems call out to the internet. To solve this problem, Beacon now supports peer-to-peer command and […]

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