When You Know Your Enemy

TL;DR This is my opinion on Threat Intelligence: Automated Defense using Threat Intelligence feeds is (probably) rebranded anti-virus. Threat Intelligence offers benefit when used to hunt for or design mitigations to defeat advanced adversaries. Blue teams that act on this knowledge have an advantage over that adversary and others that use similar tactics. Threat Intelligence […]

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Cobalt Strike 2.2 – 1995 called, it wants its covert channel back…

Cobalt Strike’s Covert VPN feature now supports ICMP as one of its channels. Covert VPN is Cobalt Strike’s layer-2 pivoting capability. If you’re curious about how this technology works, I released some source code a few weeks ago. The ICMP data channel is a turn-key way to demonstrate ICMP as an exfiltration channel if you […]

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Adversary Simulation Becomes a Thing…

There is a growing chorus of folks talking about simulating targeted attacks from known adversaries as a valuable security service. The argument goes like this: penetration testers are vulnerability focused and have a toolset/style that replicates a penetration tester. This style finds security problems and it helps, but it does little to prepare the customer for the […]

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How VPN Pivoting Works (with Source Code)

A VPN pivot is a virtual network interface that gives you layer-2 access to your target’s network. Rapid7’s Metasploit Pro was the first pen testing product with this feature. Core Impact has this capability too. In September 2012, I built a VPN pivoting feature into Cobalt Strike. I revised my implementation of this feature in September 2014. […]

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Cobalt Strike 2.1 – I have the POWER(shell)

For a long time, I’ve wanted the ability to use PowerUp, Veil PowerView, and PowerSploit with Cobalt Strike. These are useful post-exploitation capabilities written in PowerShell. You’d think that it’s easy to run a script during the post-exploitation phase, especially when this script is written in the native scripting environment for Windows. It’s harder than […]

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