Agentless Post Exploitation

Agentless Post Exploitation is using system administration capabilities to meet post-exploitation objectives, without an agent on the target. It’s just evil system administration. This talk is a survey of agentless post-exploitation techniques. It covers how to execute commands, upload/download files, harvest credential material, user exploitation, and pivoting. Enjoy! You may also download the slides as well. […]

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Cobalt Strike 3.5.1 – Important Security Update

Cobalt Strike 3.5.1 is now available. This release addresses a remote code execution vulnerability in Cobalt Strike. This vulnerability was discovered after a report of in-the-wild exploitation by a third-party. Cobalt Strike 3.5 and all prior versions are vulnerable. This includes 2.5 and below. Read last week’s advisory for more details. Strategic Cyber LLC advises all Cobalt […]

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Cobalt Strike RCE. Active Exploitation Reported.

Summary There is a remote code execution vulnerability in the Cobalt Strike team server. A hot fix that breaks this particular exploit chain is available. Customers may use the built-in update program to download an update with this hotfix. The latest trial download has this hotfix as well. Strategic Cyber LLC is working on a comprehensive update […]

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Cobalt Strike 3.5 – UNIX Post Exploitation

Cobalt Strike 3.5 is now available. This release adds an SSH client with a Beacon-like interface. This client allows you to conduct post-exploitation actions against UNIX targets from Cobalt Strike. In this post, I’ll take you through the specifics. The SSH Client Cobalt Strike’s SSH client is a Reflective DLL that receives tasks from and […]

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Why is rundll32.exe connecting to the internet?

Previously, I wrote a blog post to answer the question: why is notepad.exe connecting to the internet? This post was written in response to a generation of defenders zeroing in on the notepad.exe malware epidemic that was plaguing them. Many offensive actions require spawning a new process to inject something into. In the Metasploit Framework (and […]

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