User Account Control – What Penetration Testers Should Know

UAC is User Account Control. Introduced in Windows Vista, UAC is a collection of technologies that make it convenient possible to use Windows without administrator privileges and elevate your rights when needed. UAC has a lot of moving parts and encompasses a lot of things. This post focuses on Windows Integrity levels and UAC elevation […]

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CCDC Red Teams: Ten Tips to Maximize Success

The CCDC season is upon us. This is the time of year when professionals with many years of industry experience “volunteer” to hack against college students who must defend computer networks riddled with security holes. For the second year, my company is making Cobalt Strike available to members of the National CCDC and Regional CCDC red teams. […]

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Why I give all of my training material away—for free

I’m the developer of a commercial penetration testing product, Cobalt Strike. People are often amazed that I have a free 9-part Penetration Testing course on my website. This 9-part course is all of the material from my paid two-day class: Advanced Threat Tactics. Why do I give away my training product, for free? I know […]

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Cloud-based Redirectors for Distributed Hacking

A common trait among persistent attackers is their distributed infrastructure. A serious attacker doesn’t use one system to launch attacks and catch shells from. Rather, they register many domains and setup several systems to act as redirectors (pivot points) back to their command and control server. As of last week, Cobalt Strike now has full […]

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