Things are moving in the Cobalt Strike world…
And they are moving… FAST.
When I started my position with the Cobalt Strike team, I got to meet the team in person in the head office in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.
I can’t say much yet, but the team has been cooking up some cool stuff coming into the next several releases.
I’m pleased to join a team of wonderful individuals that all excel in their own areas of expertise.

So what am I going to be doing here in the mix, you ask?
I’ll be drawing from my own expertise as a Cobalt Strike user, and that of our wonderful community to research, support, and build new features into the product. Some of these might make it into Beacon (or teamserver) itself, others will be released as BOFs or as kits.
There has been a lot of back and forth amongst the team already and I’m very excited to see the features that are already on the roadmap. Unfortunately, I have been sworn into an oath of silence, but fear not, you, the user, will get to see some cool features being added soon! (Something about 5 pair of socks?)
I maintain a relatively active social media presence and am lurking around in a majority of Discord and Slack channels. I have also been known to attend conferences every now and then, be it as an attendee or a speaker. So if you catch me online or IRL, feel free to have a chat!
Hopefully, this post has made you curious about what comes next, and I can’t wait to, together with the team, share new features with the community and our customers.
But for now, sit back, relax, and take part of the wonderful journey as we, as a team, lift Cobalt Strike into a new generation.